German Advisory Group

Cooperation with Otten Consulting began back in 2009, when the Tax Code of Ukraine was just being discussed, and there were scattered Laws for each of the existing taxes. Otten Consulting specialists took part in the discussions of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine working groups and in the tax committee of the European Business Association on the tax system and regulation. Some of the proposals were taken as a basis and introduced into the Tax Code.
In 2016, a request was received from the German Advisory Group for the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine to comment on Draft Law No. 5368 of 07.11.2016 “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine”.
Otten Consulting experts prepared detailed proposals and relevant comments to the Tax Code of Ukraine, which were taken into account when developing the draft law. Among other things, initiatives were identified that will have a positive effect on business if they are implemented in practice.
Due to the high quality of the consultation provided, Otten Consulting received additional requests in subsequent years not only from the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, but also from the Tax Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, while most of the proposed amendments to tax legislation were adopted word for word.